This chapter is about setting and maintain high behavioral standards in your classroom. It suggests 100% compliance from your students in order to create a positive learning environment. To begin, write 150 words about whether you think 100% compliance is necessary for a classroom to run smoothly. (If you cannot access the comment boxes post all your responses in the Moodle forum).
Please follow the links in order on the left side of this page and be sure to complete the reflections for our lesson. We hope our lesson helps you to gain a better understanding of the different techniques of classroom management and to feel confident in your ability to implement them in your future classroom. Have fun!
I do think that 100% compliance is necessary if you want your classroom to be the most effective learning environment. When I first started my observations on Thursdays I thought that my teacher went a little overboard on students behavior. However, now I see the benefit of everyone learning what is expected of them and what the consequences are if they don't follow through. Overall, her class is engaged which makes the class a lot more fun and productive. Also, all students will feel more valuable because all of the attention is not going only to students who are off task.
ReplyDeleteI feel that 100% compliance is necessary for a classroom to run completely smoothly. The behavioral expectations do not need to be excessively strict in order to achieve a well-run classroom, but they should clearly identify what behavior is acceptable and what is not. It is not unrealistic for students to be held accountable to behavior standards that are discussed and agreed upon as a class early on so that everyone can enjoy coming to school and have a positive environment where they can focus on learning.
ReplyDeleteI feel 100% compliance is very important. In order for a classroom to be effective and run smoothly all students need to be on task and maintain their behavior. I think all students need to know what the expectations are and what will happen if they rules are not followed. Students should be accountable for their behavior.
ReplyDeleteI feel that 100% compliance is very important. My co-teacher in my C.P. is very strict on compliance and I can see why. In this class there are many students that are at various levels in academics and maturity. Allowing one student or two students to be off task can bring others down. Thus, keeping everyone on task helps the whole class and those students that can become and take others off task. It is needed to have the class run smoothly.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely agree that 100% compliance is necessary for your classroom to be effective. My co-teacher is very strict on behavior... but not in a mean-spirited way. She simply expects a lot from her students and will not allow them to be disrespectful. They are to work hard and not waste their time in school. If one student is off task it is disruptive to the learning of others, not only their own.
ReplyDeleteI do think that it is necessary for 100% compliance in a classroom in order for it to run smoothly. If you don’t make your classroom 100% compliance necessary then you make your authority as a teacher subject to interpretation, situation and motivation. Students can get the message that compliance is an optional instead of required. A devastating class culture can even develop of “only the good kids do what they’re asked.” I want students in my class to do what they are asked without even thinking about it so that we can spend our time on the important things like learning.
ReplyDeleteI feel that 100% compliance is key to having a smooth running classroom. The students need to know from the teacher right away what is expected of them, what is okay behavior and what is not. There must be consequences if the students to not adhere to this. In the classroom I am in the teacher has a book of bad where they sign their name if they are not good and it is sent home for the parents to see and sign. The students also make their own class rules and are held accountable to follow them.
ReplyDeleteI do not think 100% compliance is necessary at all times. I have seen "centers" activities where the students who are not with the teacher can sometimes get off task. Although this is not ideal, the teacher must focus on who she is working with at the moment and then deal with the others when she gets to them. Don't get me wrong - students need to behave, but the teacher can't spend every moment correcting them if it become detrimental to the students she is working with at the present time.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Amber... I think there are times when less than 100% compliance still works in a classroom. Any teacher would tell you that they of course want 100% compliance but often times that is not the case. Daily I watch my cooperating teacher and tutoring teacher deal with this. I think the way that they respond and work with these students is a huge factor for setting the standard for the classroom.
ReplyDeleteI think that 100% compliance is the ideal situation in a classroom, but I believe that a classroom can operate without it. As much as we want every single child to stay on task, it may be simply impossible in some cases. In my clinical practice classroom, we have one student who just cannot stay on task. The other children have pretty much learned to deal with it, since the teacher can't be reminding him of what he is supposed to be doing every second. I think as long as the vast majority of the class is on task and the offenders aren't creating too much of a disturbance, the teacher can operate without 100% compliance. That being said...of course, 100% compliance would be the goal!
ReplyDeleteI think that 100% compliance is necessary for a smooth sailing classroom. If the teacher has to constantly fix students' behaviors much of the time that could be spent on learning will be wasted. If the teacher is strict in applying the behavioral rules early on in the year, the classroom will be a much more enjoyable place.
ReplyDeleteI believe 100% compliance is necessary for a classroom to run smoothly. You should never settle in life for anything less than 100%. The same goes with a classroom and their compliance. Remember, you are not there to be their friend. You are their teacher. You need to inspire them and teach them how to be great, but you also need to command respect. By doing do, you will have 100% compliance and more times to have great moments in the classroom.
ReplyDeleteI think that 100% compliance should be the goal or expectation of the class however, it is not always going to be realistic. I think it is important for your students to understand the rules and expectations, and know that if they do not follow the norms there will be consequences.
ReplyDelete100% compliance seems like a lot to ask for, but it is definitely necessary. Setting classroom expectations and taking time out of the day, especially in the beginning of the year, is necessary for a successful learning environment. When students misbehave it disrupts students and the class flow. A little short of 100% is probably doable, but 100% should be the goal.
ReplyDeleteI think 100% compliance is ideally what a classroom needs to run smoothly, but as we all have experienced, 100% compliance is a lot to ask from students (especially in younger grades). I think it is a great goal for students to strive for, but as a teacher you must been willing and open to changing your plans and accepting completion. As I've heard teacher mention many times, you have to pick your battles. You must recognize that 100% compliance may mean different things for different students. It may also vary by time of day, because I know my 1st Grade students are willing to give comply much more in the morning compared to after lunch. That being said, I think lessons can run smoothly without 100% compliance as long and you utilize great classroom management techniques.